5 scientifically proven stress-reducing techniques

Ahmad Ahmii
3 min readOct 24, 2021
5 scientifically proven stress-reducing techniques

When many of us think of stress, we find the best technique to relax as zoning out in front of the TV and watching something that can make us happy. But this is not at all a good way to effectively combat stress as it does not help to recover from the damaging effects. In order to relax, we need to activate our body’s natural relaxation response. These are the techniques that we need to fit into our daily routine to help reduce stress, boost energy, mood, and to bring improvements to physical as well as mental health.

The detrimental effects of stress can be responded to by learning how to put the brakes on stress and bring our body and mind back into a state of equilibrium. Following is the list of the strategies you can adept in your daily life.

Step Reducing Techniques:

1)Put your phone away:

With the advancements in technology, smartphones have become the biggest distraction for us. We have become so addicted to them that it is hard to imagine life without digital devices. The constant notifications from our social media platforms keep our stress levels high all the time. Therefore, Putting your mobile phones away is one of the five stress-reducing techniques. The best way to use your phone is to put it in flight mode for some part of the day. These notifications stop us from paying attention to our actual responsibilities which later on can become a real reason to be stressful.

2) Avoid multitasking:

When we try to accomplish more in a short period of time, we fail to handle the pressure and ultimately come under stress. Multitasking does not help us in getting anything complete. Therefore, the best way to get things done quickly is to focus on one thing at a time and tick off the items on your to-do list.

Stress reducing techniques

3) Staying physically active:

Once we feel stressed, we feel going undercover is the best option. But it is best to keep our body physically active may it be a simple walk in nature. Even if it is five to ten minutes, physical activity will help keep our minds fresh.


Read More: https://ahramay.com/5-scientifically-proven-stress-reducing-techniques/



Ahmad Ahmii

Professional blogger | Writer | Motivational Speaker |