Work Ethics; Mindset to solve the dilemma of task

Ahmad Ahmii
4 min readFeb 5, 2022
Work Ethics; Mindset to solve the dilemma of task

Nobody can deny the value of striving and struggling in life. Time is what makes up life, and the amount of effort done determines how many accomplishments one can have. Every day, we have a variety of tasks to complete, each of which demands a specific set of work ethics.
The protocols or steps taken to complete a certain task are referred to as work ethics. However, we must have the following work ethics to conduct any type of work or job.

Decision-making before working on a project:

Things start to happen when we decide. We are always one decision away from a new life.

- Work is a DECISION

- Work comes through an idea of change, and it’s like a pop-up/notification and a request. You have complete control over accepting or rejecting it.

- Work is always either right or wrong. It directs us toward our strength of selection. We can simply either say “yes” or “no”.

- This is when you’ll apply the habit of sacrifice. Since sacrifice brings resilience, it gives stamina to pursue a purpose. That’s our ultimate output.

- Work is always initiated in the “now” period. We have no control over what happens in the future or what happened in the past. We may, however, change the present.

- It’s important to keep the following questions in mind when making decisions: What is it, and why is it important? It’s not difficult to figure out “how” if you understand why it’s necessary.

- Before you do anything, you must first decide if you want to do it or not. Once you’ve made the decision, tell yourself, “I’ll never give up and will try again and again.”

- One task at a time is an important rule to follow, and it must be completed before moving on to the next.

- Work is always done with passion. We don’t like looking at or talking to someone we don’t like. We don’t consume meals that we don’t enjoy. Is it possible for us to do something we don’t like? or Is it possible for us to do the same thing and have the same results? Even if you think you can still do it, the answer is “No.” It will happen if the desire comes directly from the heart and only if the cause is greater than your choice. Otherwise, forget about it.

Belief-second pillar of work ethics

Keeping A positive mindset to start a job is the best of all work ethics.
Always remember this work ethics secret :
PACE: A positive attitude changes everything.
It’s noteworthy that a man must be ready for both favorable and unfavorable results. All you have to do is to keep going.
Success lies in bridging the leap of faith.
1. It’s easy. If it was not, nobody could try it.
2. It’s possible. If it was not, nobody could do it.

3.It’s short. If it was not, nobody could complete it.

4-I love it. If it was not, I would never have chosen it.

Mindset-third pillar of work ethics

1-Work is volatile. If you think it is too much then it is too much and if you think it’s nothing then it’s nothing. It’s just the leap of your faith, the barrier you have to cross yourself, and an illusion of your mind.

2-Work takes time and must be done within a specific time to achieve specific goals.

Mindset during work. work ethics at best

BENEFITS-the outcome of following work ethics

Work is the only source of pleasure. As people always work for achieving something and then reach the ultimate goal. That is how the sense of completion provides happiness.



Ahmad Ahmii

Professional blogger | Writer | Motivational Speaker |